School Advisory Council (SAC)

School Advisory Council (SAC)

What is the School Advisory Council?

The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a group of people interested in the improvement of our school. Staff members, parents, grandparents and community members are welcome to be a part of this council. SAC meets once a month for one hour in our Media Center. Please check our school calendar or monthly newsletters regularly for dates and times.

Why should I join?

The purpose of joining the council would be to become involved in the planning for academic achievement in our school. It is the place where we take a good look at the school data and brainstorm ways to help all students become successful. It is also the place where you can get specific information on a regular basis on how our school is doing, what exactly the school is focusing on and how they plan to make improvements.

How do I join?

Please consider being a part of the group that actually writes a plan for school improvement and monitors the plan throughout the year. We need your assistance! If you are interested in finding out more about the School Advisory Council, please call the school principal, Judy Janvier, at (407) 249-6310.