Parents and Teachers Association (PTA)

Parents and Teachers Association (PTA)

What is PTA?

Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) lends a collective voice to children where they need to be heard: at home and school; in urban, rural, and suburban communities; and in our nation's capital. PTA is committed to the Safety, Well-Being, and Education of ALL children.

Your membership, along with the hundreds of others at Conway Elementary, helps provide supplies, equipment, incentives for students and teachers, and special programs especially for our families. Your membership, along with the hundreds of thousands throughout Orange County and Florida , helps send lobbyists to our State Legislature in Tallahassee . These lobbyists work throughout the year to make a difference in your child's life. Your membership, along with millions of others throughout the United States, enables PTA to work in Washington D.C. with our nation's elected officials, on behalf of ALL CHILDREN.

At the local level, Conway Elementary PTA sponsors, organizes and fundraises for the:

  • Open House

  • Costume Party

  • Spring School Carnival

  • Holiday Food and Gift Drive for needy Conway Families

  • School dances

  • Conway Cougar T-Shirts

  • Student recognition/honor roll program

  • Staff Appreciation Week Events

  • Teacher Mini-Grant Program

  • Purchases books for the Cougar Roars Book Awards

  • And many other events and projects!

Join PTA Today

Are you a PTA member? Members are not obligated to attend monthly meetings or volunteer. It only costs $5.00 to join and forms can be picked up in the office. We appreciate your support. Why not encourage a community member to join? Every membership helps our school!

Become a PTA Volunteer Today

Committee work is where PTA needs you. You are not committed to monthly board meetings. The committees meet according to the schedules of the members and children are welcome to attend – get them involved, too! Your help is much needed and greatly appreciated. Go to the online volunteer management system and get started today. ADDitions School Volunteer Application